Sunday, January 30, 2011

In search of synth leads

I was just recently made aware of Keston and Westdal.
I was turned on by some tracks off of "One Day to Save  All Life". The chill, simple, glitchy electronics and long pedals in the bass grabbed my attention the same way that a lot of minimalist electronic stuff has been lately. Only I was surprised by the funk that pours out when the bass player pulls out all the stops. Put up with the droneyness of some of their music and you'll get rocked by unexpected moments of sly melodies and sensible breaks. Oh yeah and my favorite part, they have the creamiest synth leads.

Sad Flower

One Day to Save All Life is available on iTunes
CD released on Mar 25, 2008

Check out their blog for insights from 2005: KESTWEST

EDIT: Check out John Keston's solo work Ostraka - Precambrian Resonance
and if you're into dissecting the forensics of acousticfood go here Audio Cookbook - John Keston  

Naturally through discovering Keston and Westdal I was reminded of my long time friend and mentor Brandon Draper. Brandon Draper is an multi-talented
Drummer/Musician/Composer based out of Kansas City. I decided to look up some of his new music and was delighted to find this:

Listen to:

Brandon is uber talented and involved in so much good music. Look up Organic Proof and Quixotic. 

a tout a l'heure 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

True North

Jenny Invert is a feel good feel weird pop band from Albuquerque. I heard a rumor that they are moving to Seattle though so keep an eye out for them in that area.

Listen to:

Name your price on Bandcamp

Inspired Flight one of my favorite multi-collaborative projects I have heard in a while. You will hear tracks featuring Eligh and Scarub but the hip hop pops up like a sneaky after thought amidst long moments of minimalistic and chill electronic indie rock songs.

Listen to:

Take a break from the music and check out K-Vills blog. He's a painter, artist and sometimes thinks he's a creature from the sea. Check it out. 

These guys were supposed to by side by each with Jenny invert but meh. Break it up and see what pours out. 

Listen to:

Have a good time out there people. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lectro Loven in the Oven

You don't want my sympathy 
You won't Pay me the money that you owe me
I put my wheels to the pavement and count my chips
and place em in the chair where my old man sits

A new Zenova mashup:

Zenova is the king of chill
Listen to:

Listen to: